How To Finish What You Start

March 28, 2021

We all love starting new projects and picking up new hobbies. The discovery of an exciting pass time makes you wonder how you went all your life without it.

However, we often find ourselves lost half way through and end up thinking the effort is exceeding the reward, causing us to not reach the end.

I started a puzzle with my little cousin in the beginning of lock-down (these were desperate times) and the initial thrill of it coming together and the satisfying feeling of a piece perfectly fitting into another was worth all the effort and I couldn't wait to see the end product.

A few days went by. I got busy. The beginning of lock-down was announced in March and the puzzle remains half built.

What happened?

The same thing that happens with the majority of new ventures.

The initial thrill wears off.

"Most people say they want to be successful. But if they really wanted to, they'd be successful"

Be specific about your next 3 steps

By having a well thought out plan, you are less likely to give up on a thought because decision fatigue and procrastination doesn't attack.

Prepare for when it'll get hard

As you progress things will start to get hard. For example, going to the gym on a consistent basis will get hard at one point. By knowing this

you can prepare for the outcome. When that day arrives, have food ready for when you get home or a treat yourselves to a few episodes of a show, only available if you go to the gym today.

Remember what excites you about your goal

In-vision your complete puzzle. At one point you wanted that dream body or A*. When you find yourself against a wall picture the ideal outcome and let that excitement fuel you.

"The most fundamental skill for success is the ability to bridge the gap between thought and action" - Ayo Awosika

The Flywheel Effect

In 'Good To Great' by Jim Collins, he introduces the analogy for consistency with a flywheel.

Imagine having to spin a heavy wheel along its axis with your bare hands. The first few pushes will be hard and might help it to spin a few inches.

The next few pushes get it to turn with more force. Keep pushing and before you know it, you’ve completed a whole rotation.

Now, each time you push the wheel, it spins exponentially quicker and you'll barley have to give it any force for a rotation.

Consistency is what keeps it moving.

But not everyone is willing to push past the initial stages — they want instant returns.

So, in my case, if I would have pushed past those initial tough turns where the puzzle is still a mess, it would have all come together and I'd see the final image only a few pieces away making it almost impossible not to finish.

I hope you all can get past those initial tough turns when starting a new project or venture as results are guaranteed with consistency.

I'm off now to go finish this puzzle to beat hypocrisy.

Have a great week!



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